How on Earth did you get here?

27 Mar

I find myself doing that, looking at people as I walk/half-jog to work or class. Looking and wondering how they ended up being here, what were they doing X number of years ago while I was doing such-and-such back then. What were they doing on July 29th, 2009, on days where my memories are crystal clear. It’s a passing thought, but I like to entertain it once in a while.

All of our lives intersect at some point anyways. At work, we all connect on one central node and then take off like a tangent at the end of the day to go connect with some other line out there. Sometimes those lines parallel each other more than another, some will never even intersect. But still, how on Earth did you manage to cross my vision at that very moment? We’re all alive in this moment, everyone is doing something collectively. We’re all breathing, some are just inhaling and some are just exhaling.

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